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This Cigarette Butt mapping project has a lot of potential to make the College Avenue campus more environmentally friendly. Our project was just the beginning. There is a lot more that needs to be done. This project can easily be expanded to collect more data on the location of cigarette butts and cigarette receptacles on our campus.

There are many ways that we can improve the cigarette butt littering problem on the College Avenue campus using the data collected from this project.

1. Our data should be utilized by Rutgers Facility Management and other officials at Rutgers of the locations where cigarette litter is concentrated and whether more cigarette receptacles are needed on our campus.

  • By using data from our community mapping project, officials at Rutgers can see if cigarette butts are mostly located in front of buildings, near doorways, near benches, or near receptacles. They can use this data to design future policy accordingly and determine the best locations for cigarette receptacles.
  • Officials at Rutgers can also use the data from our community mapping project to design and implement new rules to discourage students from littering cigarette butts.

2. Our data should be used and expanded by environmental organizations at Rutgers University.

  • This data can be used by various students organizations to raise awareness about the extent of the cigarette butt littering problem on the College Avenue campus.
  • Environmental organizations can replicate our project to expand data on cigarette butts and cigarette receptacles on not just the College Avenue campus, but also on the other Rutgers-New Brunswick campuses.
  • Environmental organizations can also use this data to hold cigarette butt clean-up events on campus and raise awareness of the hazards of cigarette butts